Oddly enough, one of our most visited blog posts is our smoothie recipes -- and we’re not mad about it because we think smoothies are awesome! They can be a great addition to your day, regardless of your goals, and are also a really great way to get in extra protein as well as lots of nutrients. So, this week, instead of sharing more recipes with you, we’re going to share a little more about why we think smoothies are beneficial and, more importantly, how to make the best one for your needs and preferences.


A major goal of ours is to help people look past the idea that there are “good” and “bad” foods and just build more general awareness about what is in the food we choose to eat. Just because a food is labeled as “healthy” doesn’t mean we can eat it in unlimited quantities; just because a food is high in calories doesn’t automatically make it bad. Just because an internet article told you that smoothies are the perfect way to lose weight doesn’t mean that all smoothies are created equal. To reap the benefits of the foods you eat, you need to know your goals and make sure your food choices are helping you reach those goals.


  • A post-workout meal, especially if you have a hard time eating after workouts

  • A way to pack in micronutrients and fiber

  • A way to consume protein

  • Getting in calories - drinking your calories isn't what we always recommend for getting in your macros, but it is a good way if you have a hard time getting in calories

  • A quick snack when you’re on the go that can be tailored to your specific targets


As I said above, a really cool thing about smoothies and shakes is that you can adjust them to fit in your day specific to your macro targets. Sometimes there are foods that we may want to include in our day, but they’re tough to fit or we want a snack but it doesn’t quite have the macro balance we’re looking for. Whether you need something low, moderate, or high in calories, you can do it with a smoothie.

LOW-CALORIE: If you are cutting (working towards fat loss goals) and looking for a yummy way to get more protein in, this is the one for you

MODERATE-CALORIE: A little higher in calories for those with a little more wiggle room in their macros

HIGH-CALORIE: This is a great option for anyone bulking, trying to put on muscle mass, or anyone struggling to meet high macro goals

smoothies based on calorie needs



This is often frozen fruit, a frozen smoothie pack, fresh fruit + ice, or even frozen or fresh veggies. All of these ingredients do not have to be frozen, but we recommend having at least one thing frozen as this is part of the smoothie that gives it the frozen-like texture. Some ideas:

  • Berries

  • Banana

  • Mango

  • Pineapple

  • Spinach or kale

  • Cucumber

  • Canned pumpkin or sweet potato

→ Aim for about 1 cup of fruits & veggies depending on your caloric needs


In addition to a protein supplement, this can be another great way to get in some extra protein, especially if you use a plant-based protein (which tends to be lower in protein per scoop than a whey protein) or collagen protein. Some that we love:

  • Fairlife milk

  • Unsweetened soy milk

  • Unsweetened almond milk

  • Flax milk

  • Coconut milk (for higher fat needs)

  • Oat milk (for higher carb needs)

  • Unsweetened juice or lite varieties of juice (for higher carb needs)

  • Coconut water (for higher carb needs)

  • Coffee: if you enjoy blended coffee drinks, this is a great way to make that coffee drink align better with your nutrition goals

  • Water

Less liquid = thick shakes 

More liquid = thin shakes

→ Aim for 4-8 oz. per shake (you can also top off with water if you need to supplement or adjust thickness)


There are SO many protein powders out there and many factors when it comes to choosing one that’s best for you. This post isn’t about types of protein powders, but in general, we recommend finding one that is mostly protein so that you can treat it as just that, protein. You also want to look for one that has a complete amino acid profile as part of the goal with supplementing protein is to help you with getting in essential amino acids (ones that your body doesn’t make on its own) that you may not be getting from your diet. We have a whole post on options that we recommend, so check out this post by Coach Kenny for more about choosing a protein supplement for your goals.

A note on collagen protein: Collagen can be a great thing to add to your protein smoothie, especially if using a more traditional whey protein or other dairy-based protein isn’t for you. While collagen isn’t a complete protein (it doesn’t contain a complete amino acid profile), it still has great health benefits and can also be added to hot tea, coffee, and even soups, stews, and sauces.

→ Aim for 1 scoop of protein (typically 20-25g)


Adding different things to your smoothie can increase the nutrients you’re packing in and is also what really helps you customize your smoothie to your caloric needs. This is typically where we like to add fat to the equation and can also be another sneaky way to pack in a little more protein. This is also a way to create a specific flavor of smoothie. Here are some of our go-to’s:

  • Nut butter

  • Powdered peanut butter

  • Ground flaxseed (great for omega 3s)

  • Chia seeds

  • Spices or herbs, like cinnamon, turmeric, ginger, mint, basil

  • Avocado

  • Yogurt: another way to add in more protein or a specific flavor to your smoothie and it will also help pump up the thickness if you like a thicker texture.

  • Coffee creamer: there are some great flavored creamers these days and a little can usually go a long way when it comes to adding flavor. For a few extra calories, this is a great way to make a flavored drink without having to buy a flavored protein powder, especially for seasonal drinks or just to add a little sweetness to your blend.


1: Frozen banana + ½ C mango + handful of spinach

2: 8 oz. unsweetened soy milk + water to adjust the thickness

3: Vanilla plant-based protein powder

4: 1 tsp. chia seeds, a pinch of turmeric, and ginger


Now that you have your ingredients, it’s time to put it all together! First, add your frozen food to the blender, followed by your liquid of choice, your protein powder, and finally your add-ins. If you have a blender with speeds, it’s best to slowly increase the speed every 10-20 seconds as this will allow the ingredients time to blend while also creating a perfectly thick texture that makes a smoothie a smoothie! Increase speed to full blast over the course of a minute or so and then let it run for another 30 seconds. And there you have it, the best protein smoothie!

Need some inspiration for smoothie flavors, check out these posts:

Smoothie Recipes

Smoothie Bowl Recipes

Smoothie Pop Recipes

And for more macro-friendly recipes, go here or grab our free cookbook Everyday Macrosfor simple and streamlined meal prep recipes and ideas.