Kate Lyman Nutrition

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Eating enough protein is very important for maintaining muscle and burning fat, especially when tracking macros with the goal of being in a calorie deficit. Another benefit that comes from eating enough protein is that it’s very good at controlling hunger levels. Why is this important? Think about what happens when a person gets too hungry (aside from just getting hangry). High hunger levels make us more likely to overeat the next time we have access to food. This isn’t because we lack willpower, but because our bodies are hungry and are being sent urgent physiological signals to stop that hunger. Those signals can only be resisted for so long.

Eating higher protein snacks throughout the day has two major benefits:

  1. High protein snacks help us eat enough protein (duh)

  2. They help us manage hunger levels

Here are some easy high protein snacks that require minimal or no prep, are widely available, and are easy to pack and take with you anywhere: 

Greek yogurt || Greek yogurt cups are delicious, high in protein and low in overall calories. As a bonus, Greek yogurt is typically good for digestion because it has some beneficial bacteria in it (some research suggests yogurt is better for gut health than probiotic supplements). Greek yogurt is also very low in lactose, so it’s usually okay for people who are sensitive to dairy (if that’s you, test out small amounts of greek yogurt before you eat too much and find out you don’t handle it well).

Deli meat & crackers || You know what I loved as a kid? Lunchables. You know what makes a great snack as an adult? Lean deli meat and crackers, or in other words, an Adult Lunchable. My personal favorite combo is Triscuits (fire roasted tomato flavor) and lean turkey breast. 

Pre-made protein shakes || Think Muscle Milk, Fairlife, or Premier Protein shakes. You can usually find these shakes at a gas station if you’re on the go and they pack a ton of protein. 

Hard boiled eggs || Another food that is usually found pre-packaged at some gas stations. Hard boiled eggs are full of good protein and, even as far as satiating foods go, they manage hunger pangs better than almost any other food option because they also have fat content.

Tuna packets || Take a tuna packet, add some crackers, maybe a bag of baby carrots, and bam -- you have yourself a balanced high protein snack or lunch that is super easy to pack and take anywhere.

Protein bars || Some brands that I like are Barebells (if you’re a vegan, these protein bars are plant based), Built Bars, and RX bars, but pretty much every gas station has many different options to choose from. They’re all acceptable in a pinch and they’re better than going hungry. One tip for protein bars is to look for bars where the highest calorie content comes from protein as opposed to fat or carbs.

Plan ahead and keep high protein snacks like these handy in order to eat enough protein throughout the day and to also reduce the chances of overeating that come from going too long without food and becoming too hungry.

You can also find some other high protein snacks and meals here:

5 Easy High Protein Snacks

High Protein Overnight Oats Recipes

Plant-Based Protein Sources

For a quick, easy, macro-friendly cookbook that delivers simple recipes that help you hit your goals and minimize time in the kitchen, download our free Everyday Macros Cookbook.